Saturday, September 26, 2009


No this isn't the bed Elijah has at Children's Hospital! He is still recovering from his surgery to remove the blockage in his kidney. The surgery went well. It has been 2 full days in his recovery and everything is moving in the right direction.

We hope to have his breathing tube removed and then everything else will follow. Elijah is slowly getting he sedation medication reduced. The doctors tried taking it away today, but he was pretty restless and the number 1 priority is to keep him comfortable.

He is pooping & peeing freely so the plumbing is working. Just got to make sure he doesn't get fluid build up in his lungs as he breathes more on his own. Not sure on when he will get discharged, but as of now it looks like Monday.

We want to thank everyone again for your kindness, thoughts, prayers, and continued support. Take care, talk to you soon.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


As of Monday Elijah is now 12 lbs. 6.5 oz. The doctor is happy with his weight gain, but we are increasing his feedings which should help put on the extra pounds as long as he can tolerate the extra at feeding time.

Tomorrow, Thursday Sept. 17th, we are headed to Children's Hospital. Elijah needs to have some x-rays done of his heart. The plan as of now is he will have surgery at the end of October to correct those holes in his heart. It sucks that he will need ANOTHER surgery, but hopefully after this we can get rid of the oxygen machine he is on and won't have the oxygen tubes taped to his face and in his nose or have to carry the portable oxygen tanks where ever we go!

Also, originally the doctors thought his kidneys were cystic, but after having a Renal Scan of his kidneys at our last visit to Children's Hosptial the doctor there confirmed he had some obstruction causing the back-up in his kidneys. Once we get the heart issue taken care of the focus will shift to getting his kidneys fixed up.

Even though he has gone through a lot, and will have a couple other things to take care of the next couple months, Elijah is doing great! He is sleeping at night from about 11-12 at night until 5-6 in the morning! During the day he is more awake and alert which makes for some great conversations! Although we haven't heard his first word...yet...Michelle is putting in overtime to make sure his first word is Mom or Mumma!