Sunday, December 19, 2010

Say What!?!

On December 9th we headed down to Children's Hospital bright and early for Elijah's hearing test/stint removal, as you can see he is looking stylish in his Spongebob pj's (courtesy of Grandma). His stint removal was very with the scope and out with the plastic stint in less than an hour. The hearing test took a little longer to conduct. The outcome of the hearing test stated that he had minor hearing loss in both ears and will need to get hearing aids for both ears. We are hoping that once he gets the hearing aids and gets accustomed to wearing them (the doctors said it usually takes about 2 months for kids to get used to them) that it will help with his attention span and speech development.

Elijah also has been working with a Physical Therapist for the last couple of months on a weekly basis. He is making great improvements and we definitely can tell how much stronger he has become. The PT has decided that he will need to get some ankle braces to help support his ankles and make him keep his feet flat on the ground. This also should help with his standing exercises and getting him to learn how to stand up and eventually walk.

1 comment:

  1. We are so happy to hear that little Eli is continuing to make progress! He is such a strong little dude. I really hope that we will all be able to get together one of these days and hang out....and meet him in person! Just want to wish you guys a happy holiday! You are so blessed to have Elijah and to be able to relax at home this year for the holidays! Wishing you all the best...Chris and Renee!
