Monday, June 15, 2009


As Elijah was recovering last weekend from his G-tube surgery, his feedings continued to increase to get him back to the amount he was at before surgery. This was last Monday (June 8th), Michelle and I thought we would have him home mid-week...last week. Elijah had other plans. On Tuesday he was spitting up his feedings more often which lead the doctors to take X-rays of his stomach and found a stomach muscle that was growing faster and pinching the pylorus part of the stomach...this is called Pyloric Stenosis.

The pylorus is the narrowing of the stomach that leads to the small intestines. This area was narrowed more than normal because of the enlarged muscle around it. Elijah wasn't able to fully digest he feedings because of this narrowing so he was having feedings dumped on top of the previous feedings. This caused his stomach to fill up quickly and those feedings had to go somewhere, this was causing him to spit up more frequently.

The plan was to hold back on some feedings to allow the muscles in his stomach to relax from the G-tube surgery; the other option was another surgery which we wanted to avoid! Needless to say he spent some more time back in the NICU while we were left taking it one day at a be continued....

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